Dušan Radović

Beograde, dobro jutro

(Knjiga 1)

subota 2. avgusta

Na nebeskom roštilju Zemlja se vrti oko svog zamišljenog ražnja i peče na Suncu koje se ne gasi.
Sunce je jutros uranilo da ga trošimo na ono od čega živimo, a dokolice mogu i u mraku. Suncokreti ga prate kao radari.

Jedna zgrada u Kondinoj ulici liči na mašinu za pranje rublja. U nju su sinoć ušla prljava deca. Očekujemo da se jutros pojave čista.
Da bi toj deci bio jasniji Pobednik na Kalemegdanu, možda je vreme da mu zamenimo rekvizitu. Mogao bi u jednoj ruci da drži loptu za košarku. To su poslednje bitke koje smo vodili i pobedosno završili.

Jutros rano, jedan trolejbus sa linije 11 izgubio se ili je nestao. Zelene je boje i odziva se na ime Cane. Ako ga negde primetite, javite najbližim putnicima.

Kuda ćete na vikend?
Ako su vam majka ili otac u staračkom domu, mogli biste da ih posetite.
Raspitajte se gde su i svakako otidite.

Volite se kad niste zajedno.
To je prava ljubav.
Ko ume da se voli samo kad je zajedno, taj ne pravi pitanje s kim je.

Lako je nekim radnicima kafilerije da hvataju pse, kad nema za šta pas da ih ujede.

198 words

Dusan Radovic

Good morning, Belgrade

(Book 1)

Saturday 2nd August

On the heavenly barbecue the Earth spins around its imaginary spit and roasts in the Sun which never goes out.
This morning, the Sun rose early so that we could spend it on making a living; free time can wait till it's dark. Sunflowers track it like radars.

One building in Condine Street looks like a washing machine. Last night dirty children went in. We are expecting them to emerge this morning clean.
To make the statue of the Victor in Kalemegdan Park more understandable to those children, maybe it is time to replace his props. He could hold a basketball in one hand. Those are the last battles which we waged and finished victoriously.

Early this morning, one number 11 trolleybus got lost, or disappeared. It is green and answers to the name Jack. If you notice it somewhere, report it to the nearest passenger.

Where are you going for the weekend?
If your mother or father are in a nursing home, you could go and visit them.
Find out where they are and why not go anyway?

Love each other when you are not together.
This is true love.
Whoever is able to love others only when he is in company doesn't care who he is with.

It is easy for some dog-pound workers to catch dogs, when the dogs can't find anywhere to bite them.

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